
Showing posts with the label hair loss solution

Hair Problems & Hair Fall Treatment during Covid 19 Pandemic

Hair Care consists of an integral part of our day to day hygiene and is extremely essential because it not only regulates the health of the hair but also determines the health of all the other body parts that they cover.  More than 25 percent of the world’s total population is remaining at home due to the ongoing coronavirus disease, better known as the Covid-19 pandemic. Or, rather, in other words, one in every five to six persons is at their home, observing the quarantine period, maintaining social distance, and eventually trying to keep themselves, their friends and family safe from this potentially extremely fatal virus. While you’re working from home throughout the whole day and also staying in at night, it is very easy to convince yourself that it doesn’t matter even if you do not take a shower on a regular basis. In these stressful times, often our personal grooming and hygiene routines are the first to go down to the drain. But even if your hair tends to look fine after a few d